Russell Gets Revenge
An eight episode black comedy fiction podcast about a mild-mannered accountant on a quest for vengeance. Written and created by Peter Hoffman Kimball, starring Josh Callahan, and featuring such voice talent as Ptolemy Slocum from HBO's Westworld and Emmy winner Neil Garguilo from MTV's Awkward.
Russell Gets Revenge
Introducing a New Interview Podcast from the creator of Russell Gets Revenge
If you loved Russell Gets Revenge you are going to... well, we actually don't know if you'll like Top New Filmmakers, the new interview podcast from creator Peter Hoffman Kimball. Instead of the hilarious dark comedy fiction of Russell and his merry band of vengeance-seekers, we have fairly serious interviews with up-and-coming filmmakers. Lots of shows interview A-list celebrities and famous directors, but we're focusing on the top new filmmakers who are still on the ground, working their way up, and making ambitious, adventurous work.
We're not going to make any false promises - if you love commercials for Number 2 pencils and jokes about felony homicide, this might not be your bag. But if you're looking for insightful conversation about film and filmmaking, this is the place for you. Check it out! Search for Top New Filmmakers wherever you get your podcasts.