Russell Gets Revenge
An eight episode black comedy fiction podcast about a mild-mannered accountant on a quest for vengeance. Written and created by Peter Hoffman Kimball, starring Josh Callahan, and featuring such voice talent as Ptolemy Slocum from HBO's Westworld and Emmy winner Neil Garguilo from MTV's Awkward.
16 episodes
Top New Filmmakers Episode 5 - Phoebe Hart
For the first few episodes of new podcast "Top New Filmmakers" we will also be hosting them here on this feed. Be sure to check out and subscribe at the actual Top New Filmmakers (if you enjoy these episodes. if not, then live your life and don...

Top New Filmmakers Episode 4: Hugh Fink
For the first few episodes of new podcast "Top New Filmmakers" we will also be hosting them here on this feed. Be sure to check out and subscribe at the actual Top New Filmmakers (if you enjoy these episodes. if not, then live your life and don...

Top New Filmmakers Episode 3: Michael Gamarano Singleton
For the first couple episodes of new podcast "Top New Filmmakers" we will also be hosting them here on this feed. Be sure to check out and subscribe at the actual Top New Filmmakers (if you enjoy these episodes. if not, then live your life and ...

Top New Filmmakers Episode 2 - Sasha Levinson
For the first couple episodes of new podcast "Top New Filmmakers" we will also be hosting them here on this feed. Be sure to check out and subscribe at the actual Top New Filmmakers (if you enjoy these episodes. if not, then live your life and ...

Top New Filmmakers Episode 1 - Jonathan Sims
For the first couple episodes of new podcast "Top New Filmmakers" we will also be hosting them here on this feed. Be sure to check out and subscribe at the actual Top New Filmmakers (if you enjoy these episodes. if not, then live your life and ...

Introducing a New Interview Podcast from the creator of Russell Gets Revenge
If you loved Russell Gets Revenge you are going to... well, we actually don't know if you'll like Top New Filmmakers, the new interview podcast from creator Peter Hoffman Kimball. Instead of the hilarious dark comedy fiction of Russell and his ...

Episode 108: Die or Die Trying
Season Finale: Russell finally meets the elusive killer. But will he get his vengeance? Will they share a kebab? Or will it be an absolute bloodbath with no one spared? This episode starring:Josh Callahan, Ptolemy Slocum, Neil ...
Season 1
Episode 8

Episode 107: Blood On Your Shoes
Russell makes a shocking discovery about the killer's website. Then, as he prepares to finally get his vengeance, all the people in his life weigh in on his chances.This episode starring:Josh Callahan, Neil Garguilo, David Alfano, N...
Season 1
Episode 7

Episode 106: You Took An Oath
Things aren't looking good for Russell and his hunt for the killer. But he still has a ticket to Germany, a name to look up, and an appetite for kebab. What could go wrong?This episode starring:Josh Callahan, Lexi Notabartolo, Jamis...
Season 1
Episode 6

Thanksgiving Announcement
In light of the American Thanksgiving holiday, Russell Gets Revenge will be releasing the next full episode next week. Check us out next week, Episode 6: "You Took an Oath".As always, find out more at www.russellgetsrevenge.com
Season 1

Episode 105: He's Got His Own Demons
Russell packs for his revenge/sight-seeing trip to Germany and ties up loose ends at home. Before he can go, though, one big question remains: will he get the time off work?This episode starring:Josh Callahan, Neil Garguilo, Tyler H...
Season 1
Episode 5

Episode 104: Renting Guns By the Hour
With the private eye's help, can Russell find the killer? And even once he does, there are so many other considerations: how to get a weapon in Germany, how to escape without being caught, and what will the neighbors think?This epis...
Season 1
Episode 4

Episode 103: Alpha Bravo Charlie and Four
Russell starts his search for the man who killed his wife. And what does that search look like? Scouring Yelp for a private eye, going to Michaels to buy yarn and index cards for his "Homeland"-style mission board, convincing his friends and fa...
Season 1
Episode 3

Episode 102: Jalapeno Poppers and All the Other Small Things
Russell's friends and family try to help him and keep him from seeking revenge. Russell gives them a chance - but will he find love again or is vengeance his only answer?This episode starring:Josh Callahan, Gillian Bellinger, Jamiso...
Season 1
Episode 2

Episode 101: A Lovely Place to Vacation
We meet Terry Van der Horst and his friend Russell - a mild-mannered accountant on a quest for revenge. One year ago, Russell's wife was murdered and now he has enlisted his friend Terry to document his mission of vengeance. Russell's friends S...
Season 1
Episode 1