Russell Gets Revenge
An eight episode black comedy fiction podcast about a mild-mannered accountant on a quest for vengeance. Written and created by Peter Hoffman Kimball, starring Josh Callahan, and featuring such voice talent as Ptolemy Slocum from HBO's Westworld and Emmy winner Neil Garguilo from MTV's Awkward.
Russell Gets Revenge
Top New Filmmakers Episode 5 - Phoebe Hart
For the first few episodes of new podcast "Top New Filmmakers" we will also be hosting them here on this feed. Be sure to check out and subscribe at the actual Top New Filmmakers (if you enjoy these episodes. if not, then live your life and don't look back. No pressure)
Peter talks with multi-talented filmmaker Phoebe Hart about her career, her perspectives on storytelling and art, and specifically her film "Jamie Sonshine". They discuss her approach to telling deeply personal stories in innovative ways.
Jamie Sonshine trailer: https://vimeo.com/417308967
More information on the show: