Russell Gets Revenge
An eight episode black comedy fiction podcast about a mild-mannered accountant on a quest for vengeance. Written and created by Peter Hoffman Kimball, starring Josh Callahan, and featuring such voice talent as Ptolemy Slocum from HBO's Westworld and Emmy winner Neil Garguilo from MTV's Awkward.
Russell Gets Revenge
Russell Gets Revenge: The Trailer
Russell Gets Revenge - a pitch-black comedy fiction podcast about a mild-mannered accountant on a quest for vengeance.
Written & Created by Peter Hoffman Kimball
Episode Starring:
Josh Callahan, Neil Garguilo, Gillian Bellinger, Nick Casalini, Muriel Montgomery, Jamison Scala
A Don't Matter Media production
Website: RussellGetsRevenge.com
Facebook: facebook.com/RussellGetsRevenge
Russell: One year ago today, my wife was murdered and the killer got off on a technicality. Now, I’m on a mission to hunt down the man who did it, no matter where in the world he is. And then kill him to get vengeance for my wife’s death. And I’ll do that or die trying.
[Theme Music plays]
Terry: “Russell Gets Revenge” is an eight episode comedy fiction podcast that asks the question: How far would a man go to get revenge? And how big a fool would he make of himself along the way. This series - the newest creation from Peter Hoffman Kimball – it’s a comedy about revenge, yeah, but it’s also about a widower getting set up on blind dates, looking for a private eye on yelp, and asking your boss for extra time off work so you can hunt down the man who killed your wife.
[Theme Music ends]
Russell: I don’t know if it’s going to be a fun listen, but I think it’s important.
Terry: And I think it will be fun. I mean, for people not personally affected by the tragedy. Yeah, I think this could be entertaining.
Russell: Oh sure. Yeah, for them, sure. This’ll hopefully be quite entertaining, as long as you’re not personally grieving my wife’s death.
Terry: I’m Terry Van der Horst and I’m going to be following my friend Russell on his journey. And I’m also going to be checking in with all the other people in his life. The ones who support him, the ones who doubt him, and the new ones he meets along the way.
Private Eye: I don’t kill people for money. I don’t know who you’ve been talking to but that’s just not what I do.
Terry: Here’s the private eye with impeccable yelp reviews.
Private Eye: I’ve got the private investigation, license-pending licensed gun resaler, I also dabble in Sumatran coffee bean wholesale. And I sell my gnocchi online.
Terry: His overly supportive friend David.
David: Pop pop pop! Just like that. He goes down. Everything’s better now. Real simple. You’ve got your revenge. All you gotta worry about is the blood on your shoes. And that’s why I wear Tevas. It’s a high quality sports sandal.
Terry: And some people who were less supportive.
Sharon: Have you ever seen Russell? He’s about as intimidating as a deflated balloon.
Nick: Look, in reality, I think Russell is going to pull a gun on the young man, hesitate to pull the trigger, the other man is going to wrestle it away and kill him. And then probably kill Terry too.
Muriel: Oh yes. Yes, now that you say it that way. Yes, I’m sure that’s right.
Kevin: I think he's going to feel a lot better when this is all over. One way or another. I mean, well, one way would be him failing and getting himself killed... and the other could be going to prison for life. So... but, I mean if he gets away with it, I think it'll be great for him. I guess, unless, he's haunted forever by the memory of the man he killed and he can never sleep again because he sees his screaming face every time he closes his eyes. So that wouldn't be great. But other than that...
Terry: “Russell Gets Revenge” a new fiction comedy podcast available everywhere podcasts are found. Look us up at Russellgetsrevenge.com or find us on Facebook… or Twitter or Instagram or, uh, Live Journal, Geocities… you know what, RussellGetsRevenge.com is good.